Tuesday, April 23, 2013

SCANA Data-Center Tour!

On Friday April 19th - I enjoyed a tour of the new SCANA Data-center in West Columbia. This was an exciting opportunity as that I am the one who initiated contact with the host (Jim McFarland - data-center manager) through LinkedIN as a result of his presentation on SCANA to the Internship Seminar class.

The tour was very interactive as Jim loves his profession and sought ideas and questions from the tour group. He showed the Control Room for the Data Center when it was staffed with 3 workers, one of which whom used to work for IBM. He taught about how IT helps delivers SCANA's core goals and values to it's employees and their customers - everything from call center management, network analytics to bill printing. From there he showed the data center with all of it's mainframe glory. He talked about how EVERYTHING has redundancy and how important it was in IT. From the data-center he then showed the bill printing machines and their giant rolls of paper, the generators, and some of the employee common areas - the gym was awesome.

This was a great beginning to my busy Friday!

SCANA is a corporation that has many opportunities and I may be interested in apply when I complete my Summer Internship with IBM!

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